First and Last Hello

Hello honeybees,

As I was writing my last post and publishing it, I heard a crow caw four times outside. Crows are significant spirit animals known for their trickery, hidden secrets, transformation, warnings of danger and death. Four times it crowed and I was wondering what on earth it wanted to tell me. You see, me and crows always have a miscommunication and their messages always come to me backwards (or even miss me fully), so I never assume their meanings and usually wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions. Sometimes nothing happens, sometimes it does. This blog really gives me a chance to record how many times they crow as I find that the number of crows always relates to a certain event.

Not long after I received a message from my father, letting me know that one of my cousins had passed away. I really did not expect this news at all! The number four really does play a significant role in this message- in the Tarot, the death card is 13, 1+3= 4. I also thought of other tarot cards that symbolically and personally related to me, such as 4 of wands= family and 4 of swords= rest in a peaceful and tranquil state.

Conrad, my cousin who passed on this morning, was a disabled man and although I had only met him once, he had left a remarkable impression on me. His family loved him wholly for all of his flaws and even his name was profound, masculine and echoed strength within,  just like the number 4 does. I admired him greatly and looked forward to my next meeting with him, but now my first hello will be my last and this saddens me greatly.


I took a crimson rose (symbolic for mourning), some leaves and burned some incense just underneath the blossom tree outside in the garden. I hope his spirit passes peacefully to wherever it may go- I miss you for all of the times we could have met again 😦

All my love and blessings my little honeybees,