Weekly Tarot 10th April-16th April 2016

 Goodmorning honeybees,

I am so happy to be back on track with my blog posts, the last few weeks have been one hell of a crazy ride for me. So here is my weekly tarot reading;

The elements all look quite balanced out, however, there is just a few more coins involved in this reading, making the theme to do with material concerns.

  • I am going to start off with the 4 of coins. This I feel represents me, guarding my gains and being very cautious with my expenses. Additionally, as I’ve had family issues, I also feel that this is me guarding my emotional well-being from them. The 4 of coins urges me to be open to new experiences in the future.
  • There are also many 9’s represented in the reading and the energy of 9 enhances time alone and independence. With the 9 of wands in the same reading as 9 of swords, it shows that next week I may find myself worrying and being on guard a bit too much. However, with 9 of wands paired with Strength (as the final outcome) I interpret this as me overcoming the 9 of swords energies and finding inner strength to deal with in my affairs. Additionally, two 9’s can also represent a change of address or house move.
  • Let’s look at the Queen of Coins next to the 10 of coins. These cards both represent prosperity for me- who is this helpful lady that will aid me financially? Could it be a family member or a close friend? Or do these two cards represent my contentedness in all things to do with security in the material realm?
  • The Page of Cups reveals to be a messenger of some sort, and this message will have an emotional response from me. Pairing with the 4 of coins emphasises the need for me to be open in this positive message that will be delivered to me. Page of Cups also signifies study, especially into spiritual matters. I may very well just be researching into spiritual knowledge next week.
  • The two card combinations above leads to Judgement… whatever message I will receive will cause for me to make a life changing choice in regards to my material security that will bring me freedom (8 of swords reversed). Or, as we mentioned with Page of Cups being a card of study, my researches may cause me to feel resurrected and feel free (8 of swords in reverse).
  • 6 of cups in the same reading as 4 of coins to me shows me making an emotional decision with an attachment to something sentimental. However, it can also be a time of happy bliss in the coming future, or an offer being presented that can bring me a new opportunity.
  • The two 8 energies displayed represents boundaries and limitations. As the 8 of swords is reversed and Strength comes after, we can see the the limitations are expanded and set free. In all that I will come across next week, we will see that I will come through in Strength and determination, which is also emphasised by 9 of wands.

I really feel as if this is something to do with my housing situation, I have applied for a hostel nearby and they are really supportive and they see a place for me there. I may receive the news I’ve been waiting for, but I may also be afraid of this change. All we can do is wait and see! Fingers crossed I can finally move on.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Spiders and Spiritual Attacks

Good afternoon my lovely honeybees,

Today’s topic is about spiritual attacks and our lovely little friends that scare the spirits out of most of our human population! I’ve come across many posts about this little creature being a symbol of creativity in our intricate webs of life, however there isn’t much discussion on the darker aspects of what our eight-eyed friend is trying to tell us.

This interpretation of spider encounters and ‘attacks’ are all based on my own personal experiences I’ve had within the past year and a half, and I’m sure this will enlighten and begin to make sense to some. Let us start off with the ‘attacks’.

Some of you may be familiar with certain magickal practices, and these magickal practices that aren’t the kindest. You may call it ‘spiritual’ or ‘psychic’ attacks, but either way, they all affect our physique and day-to-day negatively. Spiritual attacks can come from someone, or it may just be that your vibrational frequency is functioning at a low level- just imagine that you are a bright source of light in a realm of darkness, for example, your light will attract those that feed off of your energy (such as negative energies and even demonic sources, although these are rare).

If you face any of these following symptoms, you may be experiencing spiritual attacks:

  1. Your sleep is constantly disturbed. You may awaken from a messed up dream, have no dreams or even have dream blockages (trouble remembering a dream once you wake up immediately).
  2. Fatigue levels are higher than usual and effect day-to-day activity. Even if you have had a full sleep, you will still feel incredibly fatigued.
  3. Irrational fear, mood-swings and out-of-character behavior (such as anger that forms into uncontrollable rage).
  4. Disinterest in life, hopelessness and depressive thoughts.
  5. Less will-power to say no to drugs, alcohol and junk food. Finances seem to be depleted on addictions and urges. Excessive (almost obsessive) interest in sexual experiences.
  6. Dryness of mouth at night and increased thirst… I’ve had experiences of coughing fits in the middle of the night for no reason.
  7. Sudden awful chills- I also personally experience my third eye ‘buzzing’ or ‘humming’, this is when someone is doing some serious spiritual work on you for their own evils.
  8. When you wake up in the middle of the night, you may experience cramps, tightening of the muscles and excessive cold/hot sweating.
  9. Memory loss is evident- like if you forget to do something which you were about to do only moments before.
  10. People may seem they are distancing themselves from you, irrational attacks from others may also be evident.
  11. Blockages in financial situations.
  12. Suffering from colds and flu more often than not. Mild to chronic headaches are apparent, depending on the level of spiritual attack.
  13. In severe attacks, you may even wake up with unexplained scratches and bruises. As you fall asleep, you may also notice you have moved a part of your body which you had no control over moving. 
  14. Interest in divine knowledge takes a nose-dive. If you have been practicing meditation, yoga, exercises and healthy eating, you will notice a decline in interest in these self-bettering activities.

Note: Spiritual attacks are enhanced on nights of the full and new moon.

Although these quite scary experiences, there are ways to prevent these spiritual attacks from happening- which I will be posting about in the next upcoming weeks. I will also be going into more detail, such as other symbolization in dreams that can help you figure out whether you are being spiritually attacked or not. These posts will be added to my site (eventually!) as well.

I must digress, there is absolutely NO reason to be fearful of any of these experiences whatsoever. Fear only feeds the source and we only fear what we do not know and what we are unfamiliar with, so do some research from true sources.

Attacks rarely ever work and if it comes from a physical source, such as a magician or someone doing unholy practices, then karma will soon bite them in the backside. No true harm can be done if you are connected with your higher self and know how to protect yourself (again- research!) Go onto forums, pick up some books and learn ladies and gentlemen. If the material you’re reading and practicing fails, try and try again.

So as you can now guess, spiders are an absolute tell-tale sign of being spiritually attacked! When spiders appear in your dreams or you seem to encounter them a lot in your room with no reasonable explanation as to why they have appeared there, you may be getting spiritually attacked.

In my personal experience so far, I know for a fact it is my Grandmother spiritually attacking me. If you’ve been following my blog, you will know that in one of my posts, she is a devout Buddhist that practices dark magic with other Vietnamese magicians. A bit more on the background story about her;

I have no contact with her and I have entirely cut her off in the physical realm. However, her being the annoying and nosy cow she is, has taken it into her own hands to attack me spiritually. Even more so, I suspect she has taken my photo and name to several Thay Phap (Vietnamese magician that practices voodoo) and has asked for their aid in spiritually attacking me. It’s a ‘control’ thing really… she doesn’t want me to succeed in life and she most certainly doesn’t want me exposing her and her family’s messed up background. She also knows for sure I’m pregnant, and in my dreams I’ve seen her creepy little claws wrap round my belly, trying to open it. A friend of mine has told me that there is nothing to be truly afraid of for the sake of my child, as no harm can be done- pregnant women have extra protection and it would take a hell of a lot to do any true harm. Sad people with sad lives…

Anyway, so when I’ve encountered spiders, I know for a fact it is her and her little Thay Phap friends trying to spiritually attack me and spy on me. The spying has gotten to a level where she even knows who my friends are and what they look like…! I’ve noticed that my other half’s family has been encountering the effects of her spiritual attacks too! Spider in the Native American Culture also is a symbol for ‘Grandmother’… must I say anymore…

I hope this post has been helpful to you all!
Many blessings and lots of love,


Needing the necessary tools

Hello my dear honeybees,

I apologise so much that I couldn’t get the time to update you all on what’s been going on, but as the title states- I lack in resources. The month of March has been full of ups and downs, with a struggle to take out a laptop from college, I’ve lacked in this resource for many weeks. Every time I would go up to the library to take out a laptop, it seems that I always just miss it!

March has definitely been full of frustrations for me- with overdue coursework, my housing situation, my finances being irregular, constant spiritual attacks and disputes with my family, I definitely lacked in time, energy and opportunities to update this blog with my regular weekly tarot experiments and general spiritual knowledge I’ve wanted to share with you all.

However! Let’s not dwell on what was not done, as this seed I’ve sown can still be nourished and cared for. I’ve finally got a laptop for the Easter holidays and even better- a new phone! In February, the night of our Snow Moon, I made a special request to my spirit guides that I be out of arrears and to receive a new iPhone, a laptop I can call my own and to be moved into a two bedroom apartment/house by the end of the year. So far, the have answered my prayers to be out of arrears by sending financial aid from a family member, and to receive a new phone.

I have now download the WordPress App on this phone and can update regularly- with or without a laptop 🙂 Thank you all for your patience and I hope you all have a happy, blessed Saturday.


The White Tiger

Hello honeybees,

I had a very interesting dream last night. All day yesterday I was researching my family (Vietnamese side) and found out some very strange things- especially when speaking to my Uncle.

Usually I have several dreams in one sleep and one of them had my Grandmother in it  and the other had a White Tiger in it.

A little background history on this- my Grandmother is a devout Buddhist and sometimes comes across a martyr in her teachings. She prays heavily and is always cooking up some strange medicines, using exotic Vietnamese herbs and spices. She’s a superstitious woman with heavy secrets and gets most of her advice from a psychic back in Vietnam. Any heavy spiritual work usually is laid on the monks in the temples and she uses Confucianism practices which include praying, offering food/drink and making wishes to our ancestors. I remember- when I used to speak to her- that there would never be a day where she wouldn’t be praying or doing religious things, researching obsessively on goodness-knows-what on her laptop.


Back to the dream I had… there was a White Tiger sitting in the corner of a concrete room. It’s fur was ruffled and it had blood around it’s mouth. In it’s mouth it was chewing on really long bloody veins that tangled up around it’s paws. The White Tiger roared at me- a cry for help? I think it was telling me to come back. It didn’t want to hurt me, and even if it did it couldn’t do much being tangled in it’s own bloody veiny mess.

The room it was in was quite dark and ominous. Behind me was an open door leading to the outside. I felt stressed being in this room, I didn’t want to go near this White Tiger and I didn’t bother feeling any remorse to it’s distressing cries. I knew I had to leave, so I turned to the door and left- then I woke up.

Now here’s the reason why I think this White Tiger relates somewhat to my Grandmother…

  • In the Chinese Zodiac, she is a Tiger.
  • White is a symbol of spirituality and purity- my Grandmother practices heavily on things to do with her spirituality.
  • A long, long time ago, I believe she may have been the hands to my Mum’s brother’s death. He ‘smacked his head and died of a brain bleed when he jumped off the radiator playing superman’. Why would my grandparents be in court battling the custody of my Mum for 5 years if they had nothing to do with this death? What kind of evidence must of the police had to have had against my parents for my Mum to have been taken away and put into an orphanage for so long?
  • My uncle told me something very interesting too. In our culture, it is believed that if a family member tarnishes the bloodline by killing another family member, the next generation will suffer for this terrible sin. Could this be why my Mum is so f’ed up? Additionally, the White Tiger was chewing on veins that it caught itself tangled up in and couldn’t leave the room. I relate veins as something to do with ‘bloodline’.
  • This dream radiated heavily of my Grandmother’s energy.

My take on the dream….

The White Tiger (my grandmother), although white being a symbol of spiritual purity, has it’s fur tarnished by blood. It was tangled up in veins (the bloodline of our family). I felt stressed and left, even though the tiger tried calling out to me, I didn’t listen. I felt like it should deal with it’s own mess that it created for itself. (I blocked my Grandmother about a year ago… I was tired of her lies and abuse.) I left the tiger towards a better place. (Like I left her and my mother to a better life.) 

Interestingly the White Tiger as a spirit animal represents- Seeker of Personal Truth and Power of Conviction. This really relates to what I was doing yesterday which was seeking the truth about my family yesterday and why they are so messed up.

So this is my take on the dream, if anyone else would like to have their input, please don’t hesitate to comment!

Many blessings and lots of love,

Weekly Tarot 28th Feb- 5th March 2016

Happy Sunday my lovely honeybees!

I hope everyone’s had a lovely day so far and I’m so excited to begin my personal weekly readings and review them at the end of the week. When I become more financially secure I will be buying another Tarot deck and begin doing general weekly and monthly energies for the public 🙂 For now, let’s review my personal weekly tarot interpretation- IMG_8948.JPG

There’s a lot of coins present in this reading, indicating financial circumstances in my favor! I’ve been having a lot of poop dreams which are interpreted as money being given to me in my aid. Click the link and read about this dream interpretation! We have two 10’s in this reading (The Wheel of Fortune and 10 of Coins) indicating endings and a new beginning of a cycle- with these cards I’m looking at this materialistically.  It also suggest goals reached, potential realised and hard work being paid off. Additionally, we have two 6’s: The Lovers and The Tower- this is a higher vibration of 6.  This can suggest troubles in relationships relating to equality. 6’s in a reading also represents a journey. Combining 10 and 6 we have a new beginning with a new journey.

  • I’m going to start off with the Ace of Coins. Ace’s are a strong enough card to vibrate on their own and usually indicate the main story-line of a reading. In this case, money issues are apparent. Ace of Coins is also a representation of a financial windfall coming my way (also amplified by The Wheel of Fortune), but from who?
  • The 10 of coins depicts material security, payments being made to me and family. Paired with The Wheel of Fortune, it also emphasizes that my financial situation is going to change for the better, and quite rapidly as well. Could this financial windfall be coming from a family member?
  •  5 of wands represents movement, action, conflict and play. The surrounding cards definitely emphasizes all of these interpretations. There will be a lot going on for me this week!
  • The Lovers… it’s always been the most difficult card for me to interpret and I’m curious to it’s final outcome when I update this reading next week! In this reading with the surrounding cards can indicate choices, the divine, balance, harmony and also romantic issues.
  • Temperance is always a fantastic card to receive in the future position- showing a mastering of balance, a coming of peace and harmony. Pairing with 9 of coins, these cards become complimentary to each other. 9 of coins shows me being in material success, but with the wisdom of Temperance at play, it shows I am not going to be spending frivolously
  • Although The Tower is always a card of foreboding rapid changes that are out of my control, Temperance shows that I will be able to adapt to the situation well. Will this card refer to my relationships, a clearing of old and outdated ideas or a positive change materialistically? Where things rapidly change (The Tower), through my independent perseverance (9 of coins) I may have a lucky (The Wheel of Fortune) breakthrough.
  • The Knight of Coins– a court card with a kind, understanding and dependable nature. Dedicated to service and sacrifice they are also very family oriented and are often great providers. Sitting in the future position with an abundance of coins, will this be my Knight in shining armour, saving me in my financial distress?
  • Three of cups in the future position usually foretells a happy time celebrated with others- family and friends. I know that on Saturday, my boyfriend’s mother (my soon to be Mother-in-Law!) she is having a 50th birthday party that me, my friends and my boyfriend and his friend’s are invited to. A lot of bonding a celebrations are to be had by the end of the week it looks!

This tarot reading has really instilled some confidence for me materialistically for the rest of the week and I trust that good things are going to be more than the bad. Everything just looks great for me and I’m so excited to update it by Saturday!

Many blessings and lots of love,

Updated| 9th April 2016

Hello honeybees,

I am so, so sorry that I couldn’t update this sooner, or post anymore blogs- please read my next posts for a more detailed explanation! Now, let’s review this reading:

  • All of the abundance of coins is certainly to do with being given money when I most needed it (The Wheel of Fortune)! My father, the Knight of Coins, gave me money (the Ace of Coins, 10 of coins) to aid me with paying off my rent arrears. I am now in the clear and in credit! I really can’t remember what The Tower meant for me that week, however, I’m sure as it was paired with The Wheel of Fortune it is just an emphasis on a turnover of events for me. Additionally, as my accommodation looks like a tower, it may be representing just this.
  • The 3 of wands really emphasises rapid motion, competition and play for that week.
  • The Lovers alongside Temperance emphasised a good balance in my financial choices. The 9 of coins shows the independence made in these choices.
  • The 3 of cups was definitely a representation of my mother-in-law’s 50th birthday party… lots of celebrations with friends and family!

Thank you so much for your patience in this update my dear readers.
Many blessings and lots of love,


‘Poop’ dreams and what they mean…

Hello my dearest honeybees,

Now this is a blog post that is definitely not for you if your nose is sensitive to smells!! I’d like to talk about dreams that feature poop. A lot of people do dream about pooping and poop and never really know what it means. There’s nothing really online that says anything about poop and it’s meaning, but from my personal experience I would like to say that there is nothing stinky about poop at all!!


Poop is usually a precognitive sign of receiving money… yes, money! If you’re rubbing poop on yourself, pooping or even seeing a lot of poop, open up your wallet and be prepared to receive some notes!!

When I asked my knowledgeable friend what pooping in a dream means, she told me this theory. My face when she explained it…! I was of course quite skeptical of this, but I trusted her intuition more than mine, and as a little spiritual apprentice wanting to learn more and experiment with dreams, crystals and tarot, I went along with this theory.

Low and behold… from all of my experiences with my poop dreams it became an absolute trusted nugget of knowledge as I received money after having this dream (sometimes it takes days or weeks). If anyone is familiar with the tarot, I can only use The Ace of Coins as a comparison to pooping dreams. It’s never usually payments through work; unless you do over-time, then it means you’ll be getting more than your initial wage. Otherwise, pooping dreams symbolise a certain sum of money that is being given to you in your aid.

Additionally, the color symbolism of brown means all things earthy, stability and material wealth… need I say any more. Basically, it’s your spirit guides trying to alert you in your dreams. They’re trying to say: Yes, we hear you that you desperately need to pay your rent/buy food etc and the money for it is on it’s way- do not worry!

Try it out- next time you have a pooping dream, see how long it takes until you receive unexpected cash or a sum of money you wished for in your time of need. Recently I’ve been having lots of poop dreams, and I am currently in arrears with my hostel (about £125). I’m desperate at this moment as I will be getting kicked out at the end of March due to my pregnancy and these poop dreams are my reassurance that money will come my way to help me in this financial crisis.

Many blessings and lots of poop-ey love!

Can dreams be precognitive?

Good afternoon honeybees,

I would like to discuss the recent dreams I have had in relation to actual occurrences and with the results, we can then assume if dreams are messages from our spiritual guides to become aware in our daily lives.

For those of you reading my blog’s updates on my daily tarot readings, you will know that my purse had been stolen! This happened on 24th Feb 2016. Two days prior to this, I had a flitting dream that I was on a bus going slightly downhill. The bus number was 324, as is the one I sometimes catch to go to college in real life.


In my previous experiences with dreams, going downhill is never a good sign, whereas going uphill is always good, no matter what other things (even if they appear nasty) are present in a dream. I don’t remember anything else happening in the dream, so I took a mental note of the numbers I had seen in the dream. Adding the numbers together, 3+2+4= 9. As this number is the last number before 10 (which in numerology 10 becomes 1) and combining it with going downhill in a dark dreamland can signify an ending before new beginnings.

After this dream I became very alert with the bus in real life that was numbered 324. This dream also occurred on the night of the full moon, so this was very significant to me. The day after this dream I had a mishap on the bus (which I also wrote about in this daily reading). Although I had pressed the bell, the 324 bus driver missed my stop.

Initially after this, I believed that maybe this is what my dream was trying to tell me; I was going to have problems with travel on this bus. Thus, I let my guard down and stopped looking out for signs with the 324 bus. However, the day after, I had my purse stolen on a 324 bus! This really proves that dreams can be precognitive and it also proves that signs like this should never be taken lightly. So from my personal experience, dreams can either be an insight to one’s emotions, fears that have not yet been conquered, and they can also be messages from spiritual guides showing you the future.

From this, I’ve learned to always be emotionally prepared and mentally aware. This dream is definitely an aha! moment for me 🙂 Thank you dear readers for coming on my wild adventures with me and I hope that this dream interpretation has helped out some.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Today’s Tarot 27th Feb 2016

Hello honeybees,

It’s so nice to finally have a laptop again to update my blog site! So today’s reading will be the last Daily reading I will perform on this blog site and from now on it will just be Weekly readings as I’m back in college and have so much coursework to do before the baby arrives this June! Let’s take a look at my reading for today…


So here we have a lot of doing energy coming from the wands.Today is very much about action and less thinking which I find great!

  • We start off the reading with 5 of wands… could this mean arguments between loved ones with the 3 of swords at play? Or could it just mean me having a relaxing and carefree time? The image on this card is always difficult to decipher, as the boys in the card look like they are fighting but they also look like they’re playing too. We can understand the fuller picture with the surrounding cards, and I take it as both arguments and play are at hand for me today.
  • The Emperor, a fatherly figure, a Capricorn man that provides stability, a force to truly be reckoned with. My boyfriend, who is a Capricorn, usually pops up as either The Emperor, Knight of Wands, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles- and from my recent discoveries- the King of Swords. I always find that court cards for people can always change in different situations. So we have here, my boyfriend as The Emperor, who takes his fatherly and protective stance today. He’s got his clever thinking hat on today! With the surrounding cards, will I be arguing with him that brings out productivity and a creative side in me today?
  • 10 of wands- the pressure of life is still present for me. I really do still feel weighed down, with my housing issue, coursework and other relationship tiffs with friends etc. Pairing with The Emperor, I find that both me and my boyfriend feel pretty weighed down with our continuous quibbles.
  • 3 of swords, the card of disappointments, upsets, betrayals, loneliness and hurt. Ahh.. and here we also have the Death card in pairing. I never look at Death as a tragic thing only a loss, and pictured in the card we also have a ray of hope! This reading very much looks like a love reading for me.  Could this pairing mean a loss of love in a relationship? Maybe something will disappoint me greatly today.
  • Ahh, but we have 2 of cups just after Death, so things cannot be as gloomy as they seem! There’s the ray of hope there. I view this pairing as a deeper understanding between two people; from an incident that Death has delivered, the 2 of cups highlights resolve, understanding,  commitment and agreement.
  • With Strength as the final outcome, it lessens Death’s gloomy impact and brightens 2 of cups. Strength shows a loving control in situation and- as the card says- strength in matters.

I find this reading for myself quite bright in a sense, even with all of the destructive qualities we have, we have a brighter side. I will update either later or tomorrow what really happened for me today.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Edited: 28th Feb 2016

Good afternoon honeybees,

We have an interesting outcome for the tarot interpretation I have done yesterday! Again, this reading is quite scattered and is more generalized than a predictive reading.

  • No arguments happened yesterday between me and my boyfriend. I spent the whole day yesterday researching vigorously about my Vietnamese culture and why my family is the way they are… they dabble in a bit of black magic and I’ve been receiving some psychic attacks. 5 of wands with the surrounding wands definitely means productive and creative play and rest for me.
  • The Emperor is definitely my boyfriend for sure and he has taken on the better side of this Major Arcana card.
  • 10 of wands indicates the feeling of being weighed down with my housing issue. It was definitely a burden on my shoulders that I felt I couldn’t shake away yesterday. In relation to The Emperor, it actually meant my boyfriend trying to reassure me that I could always stay with him, however I didn’t feel reassured at all.
  • Now here’s the interesting part. The 3 of swords as previously explained indicates possible loss of love (amplified by Death), disappointments, upsets and a feeling of loneliness. This did not ring true for me at all, and related more to how I felt the day before… however, interestingly my friend and my boyfriend’s friend (who are seeing each other) have been arguing all day yesterday when visiting us. My boyfriend’s friend stormed out on my friend and left her feeling lonely. Could Death mean for their relationship?? I possibly picked up on their energies when doing this reading yesterday.
  • I’m going to take this as the day before’s energies carrying over onto this reading as we have 2 of cups taking place just after this dismal cards. I don’t see court cards representing my friend or my boyfriend’s friend, just me and him. 3 of swords shows me being upset the day before and the combination of Death  and  Strength shows my relationship with my boyfriend changing through agreements/reconciliation and becoming stronger.

So that’s my last Daily reading I will be performing on myself and from now I will be posting Weekly readings on myself- thank you all for your support and see you in my next post 🙂

Many blessings and lots of love,

Today’s Tarot 26th Feb 2016

Welcome to my tarot reading honeybees,

I will be performing a personal tarot reading on myself and reviewing the outcome later today or tomorrow. To my new followers, I am so happy to have you on board my magical journey and I hope some of my readings (for those of you who practice the tarot as well) are of help. If not, I hope it’s an amusing read for you! On to my reading now…


The cups are a prominent feature in this reading, so we’ll be looking out for all things emotional today. We also have plenty of Major Arcana energies in this reading, making today’s events potentially life-changing. 7’s are also a theme, and in tarot readings this numeric energy implies the things we most want with an unexpected delivery.

  • The Heirophant is a card of wisdom. Will I be receiving knowledge today that impacts the course of my life direction today? Whatever this nugget of information is, it definitely brings me satisfaction as depicted in 9 of cups. Combining The Heirophant with Justice means that this useful knowledge is definitely for a greater cause and is within my favour.
  • The Hermit is also a card of wisdom. I see this as me, taking the wisdom from The Heirophant and deciding alone what to do, turning inwards for guidance in peaceful solitude.
  • The Chariot can depict travel, or a decision made abruptly that, no matter how big or small, really effects the outcome. Maybe my internal reflection depicted in The Hermit has caused me to decide about something? With an abundance of cups, are my emotions also the influence to this?
  • Combining the Chariot with the King of Cups, The Chariot can also mean victory. Have I mastered something to do with my emotional responses in a certain situation for today? The King of Cups can also depict an older diplomatic man in my life that has calming and reassuring qualities. Usually I depict King of Cups as my father- I may be in contact with him later on today.
  • Justice– more decisions!! Definitely a theme here today. Could it be a decision in an emotional response? Justice can also mean karma playing fairly for me- justice being served. Any decisions I have today will be a major impact on the outcome. Additionally any legal issues I have today are going to go well with Justice here in my reading.
  • The final outcome is 7 of wands. Combined with The Chariot, it amplifies my battles and struggles. Even more so, the 7 of wands predicts more obstacles in the way- with The Hermit combined I am definitely alone in my battles and The Chariot shows me alone in my victories too. Combining 7 of wands with Justice, things are most certainly going to go my way, but after a long battle with many hurdles to overcome.

What a reading to receive towards the end of the week!! I wonder if my reading has anything to do with my relationship towards my boyfriend… or if it is to do with my housing issues. All we can do is wait and see. Thank you my dear readers for following me on my spiritual journey!

Many blessings and lots of love,

Edited: 27th Feb 2016

Hello honeybees,

With a prominent feature of cups, yesterday was truly an emotional day for me. Additionally, with the abundance of 7’s and Major Arcana in this reading, I have really experienced something life-changing for the thing I most wanted, with an unexpected delivery! Also this reading is quite scattered with no real order to it, so please bare with me as I try to fill in the gaps!

  • My interpretation for The Heirophant was truly a miss! This card also symbolises sticking to tradition in an emotional reading that involves relationships.
  • 9 of cups finally shows my emotional satisfaction in this situation.
  • The Hermit can also represent loneliness and doing things alone. Very much so yesterday I felt lonesome, and pairing with The Chariot, it shows me travelling alone. The Chariot also amplifies battles and struggles alongside the 7 of wands. It implies decisions, as does Justice. I decided yesterday to pack my belongings and leave as I have had enough of arguing with my boyfriend however…
  • As I reached the bus stop, my boyfriend took a turn and became The King of Cups. He got me a cab back, reassured me and ran me a candlelit hot bath with all my crystals around it. He cleaned the bedroom, put on some soft music for me whilst I was in the bath and when I got out he had ordered us a pizza takeaway with Live at the Appollo playing on TV. As previously interpreted, The King of Cups and The Chariot together shows a victory.
  • With Justice and 7 of wands, it truly shows a coming of victory after a long time battling and overcoming initial obstacles! This has definitely proved to be in my favour for all things emotional (cups)!

Thank you dear readings for venturing with me on my crazy whirlwind journeys in my relationships and my housing situation. It’s always so interesting to see the actual outcome of a reading. The lesson I have learned for this reading is that a reading should be used as a preparation tool for the energies displayed.

Many blessings and lots of love,

Today’s Tarot 25th Feb 2016

Welcome to today’s reading dear honeybees,


What a great reading to wake up to first thing in the morning… 7 of swords and the Tower! Swords and coins are going to be a theme today- the things to do with mental activity and the material world. The King of Swords seems to be making a pattern in my recent readings too… without further a do, I will try my best to interpret today’s reading for myself;

  • I’m going to read 9 of coins and 3 of cups as me being confident socially. The figure in 9 of cups shows the lady confident in her fruitful surroundings, whilst the 3 of cups shows unity and a good time with friends. I will be at college today and I’m never shy at making new friends and acquaintances, so this combination can depict me feeling secure in my social environment.
  • 8 of wands I always read as a message I am going to receive. It also depicts momentum, rapid progression and fast-paced action in all doings in an earthly manner. Notice the figures in 3 of coins looking up at 8 of wands. This shows I am also confident (9 of coins) in my work. However, things seem great at the beginning of the reading before the 8 of wands, however afterwards we see not-so-great cards such as 7 of swords and The Tower.
  • Reading the 7 of swords and The Tower together, someone is being sneaky behind my back and I will now become aware of this. Any outdated thoughts I have at the moment may be uplifted and swept away, just like in The Tower. As a Major Arcana Card, it looks like I have no control over The Tower’s influences and I will have to just wait and see. I see no emotional cups in this reading, so I don’t believe it has anything to do with my relationships, although the 8 of wands can mean otherwise (also depicted as arrows of love). The Tower to me personally, looks incredibly like the hostel I am staying at as it a very tall building with over 10 floors, overlooking the city.
  • This links in with King of Swords… I know this is the outcome of the reading but I’d like to read this first as it ties in nicely to The Tower. Whatever it is that becomes clarified to me is definitely underneath this court card’s influences. It depicts a man with power, intelligent in law and my fate under his word. On Tuesday’s reading I was dealing with my hostel and the King of Swords was also a prominent feature in my reading alongside The Moon of deceit. Someone is definitely working against me and is sneaking around, just as depicted in the 7 of swords. King of Swords can also be interpreted that I have decided to take an emotionally detached stance in all that has been shaken up.
  • However, a nice and uplifting card straight after The Tower and 7 of Swords is 3 of coins. As it is right next to The Tower, it can mean any contract, deals or negotiations with anyone I have made has been rejected. But as 3 of coins is after The Tower, I really feel as though I will be making a quick recovery and rebuilding what was torn down.

Hopefully I’ve hit the nail on the head with this interpretation and the outcome will be updated either Friday or Saturday as I have no laptop until these days. Thank you all for being patient with me, and dear readers I hope you have a better day (what is perceived so far) than mine!

Many blessings and lots of love,

Edited: 27th Feb 2016

Hello honeybees,

As mentioned previously, my purse has been stolen, so this reading has in fact, a very different turn-out than I originally interpreted.

  • With an abundance of pentacles, something is missing in my life materially with the 9 of coins present. We can now see that this is my purse with all of my belongings inside of it! Paring with 3 of cups just shows my confidence that I have with my peers in college.
  • 8 of wands truly is a message I’m waiting to receive from the police department about the CCTV footage on the bus, and as read here, I definitely received it alright!
  • 7 of swords, The Tower  and 3 of coins really shows my previous interpretation of rejection and a much worse turnout. 7 of swords shows the thief has successfully gotten away with it all. The Tower shows a situation that is completely out of my hands.
  • 3 of coins next to The King of Swords. So, as previously interpreted, the message for my fate was delivered on behalf of The King of Sword, and with The Tower in place with 7 of swords shows that it is not in my favor. Unfortunately, the bus’s CCTV wasn’t functioning on that particular day, so the case has been closed with no more further investigations available.

Bye bye purse 😦 It even had my amber crystal and milk coupons! Oh well, I suppose everything happens for a reason, and life is very unpredictable. Thank you dear readers for venturing on my wild journeys!

Many blessings and lots of love,