The arrival of our Snow Moon

Hello honeybees,

As some of you may know, it is the full moon today and every month has a very special dedicated name to each moon. Last month we had the Wolf Moon, and now this month it is very important to prepare and greet February’s Snow Moon- or sometimes known as Ice Moon.


Today is also the 15th day of the lunisolar Chinese calendar and it marks the beginning of spring for the Chinese. They celebrate this day and it is known as the Chinese Lantern Festival. Celebrations usually involve lanterns being lit and set off into the sky, lights floating on water, gathering for food and drink and games being played. All of the taboos since Chinese New Year will also be released.

The Snow Full Moon is a brilliant time to begin your spring cleaning- as I have vigorously been doing today!- welcoming change, planning for the future and purging any negativity out of your life may that be relationships or certain diets… the Snow Moon supports you wholly in this. Additionally, the Snow Moon is in Virgo, and this astrological sign heavily supports anything to do with work (building on careers, attending interviews etc.), cleaning/ rearranging the home, improving health diets, forgiving yourself/self-love, accepting responsibility for past errors and indulging in practical-work hobbies. Attention to detail is also heightened under this influence.

Full Moons are also symbolic of setting foundations for positive plans and attracting the things you need/want the most from the Universe. Money spells, releasing rituals, meditation for better insight and thanking your spirit guides are a few examples. How will you be celebrating the Snow Moon tonight? Here is my example;IMG_8860.JPG

I don’t have an appropriate place to set up an alter yet and if you don’t then not to worry- your windowsill is a perfect environment.

  • If you have crystals then tonight is an excellent opportunity to cleanse and charge your crystals and divinitory tools under the magical light of the moon.
  • Burning incense when doing rituals or prayers are also a fantastic idea.
  • The moon since ancient times has always had a special affinity with water, so placing a bowl of water on your alter is also a great way to attract and build positivity. I’ve placed my mini water fountain on the windowsill to help the moon’s energy flow to my crystals.
  • Lighting white candles are also excellent to celebrate your Snow Moon and I’ve taken an idea from The Chinese Lantern Festival (as my ancestral roots come from China) by using red to attract good luck.


Tonight I will also be celebrating the Feast of Feralia, calling on my ancestors by lighting my special gold incense in remembrance and in gratitude. The traditional date to celebrate it was yesterday (21st Feb), but as the full moon is today, any spells, rituals and spirit work will be extra powerful today.

This is just an example of how I personally celebrate the Snow Moon and there is no right or wrong way to celebrate it, so choose to do whatever you feel comfortable with! Have a happy and evening full of abundance, love and light dear readers- a new cycle is here!

Many blessings and lots of love,

The Feast of Feralia

Hello honeybees,

I’d like to discuss an upcoming holiday traditionally recognised by the ancient Romans on February 21st (tomorrow).

This is more of a humble celebration, unlike Day of the Dead. The ancient Romans would refuse to marry this day, alters and fires were left unlit and public God worships were put on hold in order to celebrate their ancestors that have passed. Special meals were made, bread and wine offered and violets were laid by tombstones alongside whispered prayers.


It’s rarely celebrated today due to global modernisation, but here are a few ways of showing your appreciation towards your ancestors:

  1. Set up a prayer spot or alter, either inside or outside. If outside, possibly find a tree to do this by.
  2. Flowers are a great way of showing you appreciate their love, guidance and protection. Violets, red/white/pink roses, orchids, chrysanthemums, pink/red/white carnations, hyacinth and hydrangea. If someone in your family has recently departed, maybe place some lilies or the peace lily plant down.
  3. Candles are also a great way to show your appreciation. Light a few white candles on your alter.
  4. Incense … oh my favourite thing to invoke spirits. Any type will do, but I prefer using specially picked out incense sticks for something like this.
  5. Food and drink is a great offering. Fruits, cooked rice, biscuits, bread, good quality alcohol (no, not beer!), juices and water is always a hit with any type of spirit- especially the alcohol bit! They love that. If it’s for someone’s recent passing, place or cook their favourite foods.
    Traditionally, it’s always best to sip the drink or bite some of the food you’re offering. Leave it for the next morning and the foods (that aren’t stale or off) should be eaten by you as they will have been blessed by your ancestors. Any drinks can be thrown, but if it’s fruit juices then give it back to nature’s soil!
  6. Speak up ! Let your thoughts be heard from your ancestors once all your offerings are in place. Say your thanks and ask for guidance- you don’t need to say it all out loud of course, in your head or even in a note is fine too.

Do what you feel will help your ancestors respond well to your offerings. If it’s a yellow daffodil you want to put out for your deceased then who’s to stop you? That daffodil may have a special meaning in your eyes and you want to share it with your ancestors. Whatever it is you may choose to do in remembrance for you ancestors, I hope that you have a lovely day of appreciation for your spirited loved ones.

Many blessings and lots of love,