Today’s Tarot 23rd Feb 2o16

Goodmorning honeybees,

If you haven’t viewed yesterday’s tarot outcome, please click here. I hope everyone’s had lovely effects and precognitive dreams from the full moon last night! Here is today’s reading for me…


~Before I get into this reading, here is a background story on me… I live in a hostel, but usually stay with my boyfriend because it’s so lonely on my own and the other residents smoke crack there, allowing the smell to leak under my door and into my room and on my clothes. As I am pregnant, I will be getting kicked out at the end of March as they cannot keep ‘2’ in a room. I’m most likely to be transferred to a baby and mum unit. Today I will be visiting my hostel room and organising all of my paperwork and also packing some items, donating to charity and getting ready for the big move.~

Looking back at the reading, it looks to me from all the court cards present that I will be dealing with a lot of people today. There are many wands also, so today is a day for productivity. Dear readers, I’m not very good at reading a spread with so many court cards- in fact, that is my downfall with the tarot, so please be patient with my interpretation! We will just have to see the outcome later today…

  • Let’s start with the Knight of  Wands. He is a quick, impulsive, action oriented person. The initial idea that the Page of Wands had has now become reality in the Knight of Wands. Related to the astrological sign of Sagittarius, maybe he could be me as my idea from yesterday is now going to become an action.
  • King of Swords… he is a symbol for power and status, law and order, fairness and wisdom. I will definitely be dealing with an older man who’s very knowledgeable when it comes to the law, who I will be turning to for advise today.
  • King of Wands is also a great person to turn to for advise. I believe with these two kings in my reading, it shows there will be a discussion between the two. Maybe the Knight of Wands isn’t me and he may also be a part of the discussion.
  • Queen of Cups– intuitive, a warm and loving being who gives back to the community etc. Possesses empathic skills, compassion, depth in understanding etc. She is a powerful being with psychic skills and an affinity for spiritual wisdom. I think I can guess that this is my friend who runs a market stall nearby the hostel, full of crystals and incense. She’s always been so supportive to me and kind and caring. I may approach her after the other 3 court cards to seek her spiritual advise.
  • Ace of Wands really is a ‘Go get ’em’ card. I’ve been um-ing and ah-ing whether I should go to the hostel today to execute my plans… should I put it off? The Ace of Wands says otherwise… in fact it’s telling me that the energies of today are perfect and it’s definitely a thumbs up from the universe! It is a card of creating new realities around me and others that benefit.
  • The Moon… as we’ve had our Full Snow Moon last night, it’s energies are still very much in affect today. Empathy from others will also be prominent, however I need to follow my inner intuition as things may not be as they seem… however, paired with the Chariot is shows victory in the way I’ve visioned a specific outcome.
  • The Chariot being the final outcome shows a blessing in my decisions… it also shows me being in control of any projects I have to do today. Additionally, the Chariot represents travelling, which makes sense as I need to get the bus up to my hostel today.

Hopefully today goes a lot more well than my reading interpretation did :’) Who knows… I might hit a few nails on the head- but this can only be reviewed later on today!

Many blessings and lots of love,

Edited: 23rd Feb 2016

Good evening honeybees!

Let’s review the outcome for the reading I’ve done today. My interpretations have been quite accurate, but there are just a few adjustments to make;

  • I want to start off with The Moon and things have certainly not been what it seems. It is a prominent feature of this reading and everyone appears to be in a very hazy dreamlike state. Today, I’ve visited my hostel to sort a few things out and it seems that one day they tell me one thing when they mean another. I can’t view a property because I’m in arrears etc… why make me bid on properties then??
  • So moving onto the King of Wands paired with The Moon just shows I’ve received some very unhelpful and backhanded advise today. Yes, empathy was shown today, but was a true? I think not. The hostel I live at is very shifty with the way they deal with their residents, legally and also financially. A ‘charitable organisation’ that charges £1,000 for a single room? I’ve experienced many legal issues with them previously and I always feel unsupported by my key workers. I always find that I need to go elsewhere for the right advise.
  • This moves me onto the Knight of Wands. It depicts me being very action oriented, but as I am a lower rank than the Kings, my insight on the situation is lessened. I’m not clever enough to work out why they are running me around in circles. They are supposed to find me accommodation before they kick me out, but they haven’t done this yet and just keep asking me for money!
  • The King of Swords I feel is me filling out a lot of paperwork and as I mentioned in my interpretation, I feel as though there are two key workers in a higher position that are not working for me in my favor at all- hence The Moon card.
  • Moving onto the bottom layer of my tarot reading with the Queen of Cups and Ace of Wands, however, is a very different story! The Ace of Wands is a creative idea, and my friend at the market stall is also a writer… she is clearly the Queen of Cups here offering me an idea to do with creativity (letting me join her webpage to promote my blog site on).
  • The final outcome is The Chariot and I personally feel that it is just my projects are all under my control at the moment. Or so it ‘seems’ that way with The Moon being present. Additionally, there are a few problems with travel today, as the bus driver missed my stop- The Moon paired with this card.

It was interesting to see my day unfold, and the lesson here is that The Moon’s energy is never to be subordinated in a reading. It’s a powerful Major Arcana that effects the reading as a whole and changes many outcomes.

Many blessings and lots of love,

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